
烹饪食谱从一个人传到另一个人, 从一个家庭到另一个家庭, has influenced the desire of modern women to know everything about 食物: how to boil, 炖肉, 通过, 如何上菜, 以及用什么餐具. If you know more than one culinary secret and are ready to share it with the wide public, 不要忽视互联网的机会. Creating your e-page lets you attract attention and actively promote your business. If you doubt whether you have enough skill and experience behind you, 请随意选择烹饪Open车主题.


  • 多语言. 一个现代化的平台应该对所有人开放. If you share this point of view, the option of language selection will come in handy. A user coming to your site can choose the language in which it is convenient to read the content.
  • 在线商店. Open车是领先的电子商务平台之一. 模板 offer you to build an online store of any scale - from a mini-shop to a huge hypermarket.
  • 多币种和不同的支付系统. These 特性 create a comfortable environment for foreign visitors in particular. 但很多同胞也会为此感到高兴. Give customers the freedom of choice when making a payment.
  • 社交网络整合. 结合你的网页和Instagram, 推特, 脸谱网页面在一个线程, 你吸引了更多的消费者.
  • MegaMenu. Intuitive on-page navigation and quick 搜索es make customers use your site again and again. With MegaMenu, you divide your content into blocks, categories, and subcategories.
  • 页面. You can customize each template to your taste by adding a different number of pre-designed pages. 主页等页面, 关于我们, og体育, 产品, and others can be a great reference point for your audience.


Cooking is interesting to many people - women, men, and children alike. 然而, 如果你擅长用菜刀的话, creating a website from scratch can seem like an uncharted universe. To simplify your task and give you quality results, the TM team created 烹饪 Open车 themes. The set of 特性 amazes even an experienced website builder. Cooking Open车 templates is a great alternative to generating pages from scratch for:

  • 烹饪课程,
  • 食谱,
  • 烹饪节目,
  • 美食博客,
  • 餐饮服务.

eCommerce Website Creation with Cook Open车模板: Tips and Tricks

首先,考虑内容的独特性. 引起现代消费者的兴趣, 你必须展示你自己的东西, 全新的东西, 看不见的前. 例如, you can post recipes for new dishes invented by you with step-by-step instructions in video format. If you're 烹饪 well-known dishes, think about the accompaniment. 例如, 音频或视频格式, 与观众进行实时问答的形式, and informative story about the history of making a particular dish, 和更多的. 创意!

In addition, we recommend actively using Cooking Open车 themes offerings, such as:

  • 自定义联系表单
  • 添加不同的付款方式
  • 尝试网页设计
  • 激活产品传送带
  • 设置跨浏览器兼容性



我可以自定义Cooking openart主题吗?

当然可以. The level of computer skills naturally plays a role but is not decisive. Cooking Open车 themes is a user-friendly product that aims for quick and easy customization. In addition, detailed instructions in the documentation file will help you.


进入TM页面. Use the left sidebar to select options for a potential template - cost, web表单, 颜色, 特性, 等. Carefully review each template from the list of remaining templates. 将主题添加到购物车中. 为此付出代价. 使用并享受这些好处.

哪个更好:免费的Cooking Open车主题还是付费的?

免费模板对于教育目的来说是完美的. It is also a good option for those planning to create a website for a startup. At the same time, premium templates have a wide range of options for a unique website.


绝对. All Cooking Open车 themes have a 响应 design that adapts all interface elements to the screen resolution.

Best eCommerce 设计 Trends for Cooking Open车 Store Themes

Want to build a perfect online shop with Cook Open车 themes? Watch the video with trendy tips and use them for 烹饪节目, 美食博客, 餐饮服务项目. 与Template怪物保持同步!